Monday, July 28, 2008

a "cuil" new search engine

Evidently a few ex-Googlers launched a new, competing search engine this morning called "Cuil", pronounced "cool". They claim a web page index that they estimate at three times the size of Google's. Needless to say, I was curious. I went to to have a look. Frankly, I was disappointed to the point of complete skepticism after two inputs.

To arrive at Cuil in the first place, I Googled it. (Thankfully, the universe did not implode due to my pathologically recursive search engine use.) The first hit for "cuil" was the new search engine site. Google also helpfully brought up a couple news stories for my perusal, about the launch of the new site. Basically, Google brought me exactly what I was looking for. So when I arrived at Cuil, and was faced with a blank text box and no ideas on what to search for, I tried searching Cuil for itself. Only thing is, I didn't get any hits remotely related to the search engine...instead I got a bunch of travel website hits. Evidently Cuil is a location in Scotland or somewhere around there. Sure the site layout at Cuil is, well, cool--it's listed in sort of magazine/newspaper column fashion as opposed to one straight list down the page--but the content was pretty useless to me.

For my next input--I was pretty excited about this one--I tried searching for myself, wondering if my rank on the list of Cuil hits would be better or worse than my place on Google. Only thing input came back with NO hits!! Really, three times the web page index of Google, and they didn't pull a single page for me or any of my many google rivals? This is when I cried "foul!" and decided I'd better get back to coding, as my program just finished reloading...

UPDATE: I checked the site again later in the day, and many inputs that were not working in the morning were then returning hits. Seems like maybe they had some kinks in the morning they had to work out.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"no really, i think i might pull through this!"

Externally, this has been a bad week so far. There is roofing going on, on top of my apartment building. Luckily I am not on the top floor, but it's still loud enough. It was scheduled to be finished last Friday, but the roofers were still out there this morning when I left for work. They were also out there on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I did not sleep in this weekend. Nevertheless, I tried to be grateful for what is probably a nice, new roof. Not that I will ever see it, but I can imagine nice things about the roof in my head.

Also this weekend, my garbage disposal backed up all over the kitchen. I had so far put a small amount of soggy cereal, and later some blueberries, down the disposal. I think the backup was due to the numbskull previous tenant--what appear to be garlic peels were included in the backup water. I tried drain-o-ing the clog last night, but the first 1/2 of the bottle didn't seem to do the trick. So I poured the rest in, and it's still sitting the pipes today--I'll probably flush it out when I go home for lunch.

Yesterday when I went home for the evening...I pulled back the curtains that cover the glass doors out to my small balcony, only to see that it was covered in old roof shingles! A loud string of expletives followed, as well as a hasty voicemail to my landlord detailing the mess. So much for trying to be grateful.

And at work today, somebody, somewhere on the project, did something that indirectly broke a ton of stuff which I am directly responsible for. And when I say broke, I mean smashed into subatomic particles. =( So this means that I will be getting yelled at if I don't figure out what happened, very, very soon.

But internally, this has been an ok week so far. For some reason, I am still holding it together and feeling ok. But I did need to whine a little first. =)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

new blog

To the lady in possession of I covet your subdomain. I thought I had stumbled upon the most brilliant and personably applicable play-on-words out there--only to find someone else had already thought of it! To be fair, she is more northerly than I (she's actually in Alaska), and is evidently a mother, so likely has me beat in the composure department as well. I had hoped there was another ready pun out there--and spent a long time with a crossword puzzle-solver on the web, before realizing the futility of my rhyme search and settling on the less obvious, but perhaps more applicable, "northern composer". And thus was born a blog.